23 Sivan 5768
June 26, 2008
Senior Dinner
Senior Trip
Year End Awards
Year-end Grade Luncheons
Solar Cooker!!!
Sports Dinner
Art Academy Produces Masterpieces
JUMP Club Receives NCSY Leadership Award
SKA Seniors Visit Berlin
Mazal Tov to Shaindy Schiffmiller
AP Biology Trip
Yearbook Elections
Salute to Israel Parade
SKAppenings Staff



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 A Message from Mrs. Spirn

Baruch Hashem, we have completed our 15th year of studies at SKA!  We have granted diplomas to 59 Seniors at a beautiful graduation ceremony and had the opportunity to speak about each graduate in a meaningful way at our Senior Night.  We are proud that members of the Class of 2008 have been accepted to the finest colleges and seminaries of their choice. We are thrilled that over 90% of our graduating class will spend the year learning Torah in Eretz Yisrael. Ki miTzion tatzai Torah udvar Hashem miYerushalayim....  

We have watched 297 students successfully complete Regents and final examinations in many subject areas. We have seen a large number of our students opt to take AP exams to enrich their learning and qualify for college credit.  We have seen our students receive awards and recognition in many disciplines and witnessed seniors receiving academic scholarships to various institutions.   

We have been zocheh to help the larger community through our students' acts of chesed and the fulfillment of more than 12,000 hours of their collective chesed responsibility.  We have donated a new playground to be built in Sderot after a successful Walkathon that drew close to a thousand people of all ages. We sponsored an entire wedding in Yerushalayim for a yesoma through Ezer Mi'tzion. We have supported many institutions and offered respite to many families through both our Chesed projects and our Senior Work Study Internship program and have watched our students develop their personal interests and talents.  

We have been zocheh to inculcate in our students a deeper understanding, knowledge and love of Eretz Yisrael through our Irving and Toni Israel Studies and Programs and the David Project and are excited about a new course on the History of Israel that we will be introducing next year.  

We are fortunate to work with a great Parent Council under the leadership of Esther Weinstein and Jan Wernick who support our efforts in countless ways and hosted a beautiful Mother Daughter Brunch honoring a beloved faculty member. 

We are grateful to offer educational opportunities for our moms like Lilmod Ule'lamed on Tuesdays and ongoing Community Wide Lectures for Women.  

We are thrilled to welcome so many of our alumnae each week for shiurim and learning here at SKA and at Stern College. We were honored to host several reunions here in the States and in Yerushalayim and look forward to an upcoming reunion for our second Graduating Class of 1998.  

We dedicated this school year to the theme of Kavod Chavercha and incorporated ideas of building good midot and good behavior at Shabbaton and Lag Ba'Omer, with many monthly events in between. Our GO provided many wonderful opportunities for fun, growth and reflections too, especially on the theme of Kavod Chavercha.  

Production 2007 highlighted the musical, dance, dramatic, sign language and artistic talents of more than half of our school at three performances which were attended by one thousand women.  Shabbaton 2007 was an incredible retreat with the opportunity to bond with classmates up in the country while enjoying the experience of being part of the SKA family.  
Our students produced beautiful publications which we shared with our larger community: The Looking Glass, our school newspaper; our weekly Parsha Press and season Yom Tov Press; At Ptach, our Haggadah; our 9th grade Holocaust Journal; Matrix, our Literary Journal and our Yom Yerushalayim Hebrew Journal.
 It has been a wonderful year of growth and accomplishment for our students. I wish all the members of our SKA family a wonderful summer and an opportunity to relax, reflect and to grow.  

To my students....please remember the words of Dovid Hamelech,  "Sur maira v'aseh tov!"......Remove yourself from negativity and be sure to perform actions that are positive and chesed oriented. If you concentrate on doing tov, removing yourself from negative influences  and difficult situations won't be so hard.  May you all continue to "do tov" and grow in your avodat Hashem to be the beautiful, sensitive and talented young women you are meant to be!!!  

Have a wonderful summer and be sure to relax!!!


On June 15th, SKA held the Twelfth Annual Commencement Exercises with the graduation of the Class of 2008.   The  Valedictorian, Elisheva Zinberg, Salutatorians, Michal Zlotnick and Lauren Bayer and Keter Shem Tov Awardee, Rebecca Krauss addressed the audience as did Mrs. Helen Spirn , who reflected on the past four years and the achievements of the girls and gave the graduates a bracha. Thank you to Co-Presidents, Mr. Jay Gelman and Mr. Joseph Genachowski for participating in the presentation of diplomas, to Mr. Ken Zitter, Vice President for presiding over the event and to the Parent Council headed by Mrs. Esther Weinstein and Mrs.Jan Wernick for the lovely gifts to the graduates and the beautiful collation. We wish all the graduates Mazal Tov and hatzlacha as they leave the halls of SKA. We will truly miss  them and hope that they all stay in touch!!

Senior Dinner


On June 2, the Senior class had their pre-Graduation Senior Night at the Young Israel
of Lawrence Cedarhurst. The girls had dinner and than watched a video of the grade featuring pictures and candids throughout the years and clips of different teachers giving their last messages to our seniors.  Midot awards were presented to Aliza Abittan,Temima Herzberg and Davina Wadler.  

The parents soon arrived and the program opened with divrei Torah delivered by Alyssa Brody, Rebecca Eichenbaum, and Leora Niderberg. A team of eight administrators and teachers then spoke about each girl in
the grade, highlighting every person's special qualities and strengths. The evening continued with spirited dancing where Mrs. Spirn danced with each girl and her mother.  

The students made a special presentation to Mrs. Rivka Yudin, their Grade Level Advisor,  who is going on aliyah with her family this summer. A student committee also expressed their hakarat hatov to the SKA faculty and administration and presented a beautiful gift which will be placed in the SKA Teacher's Room. The program concluded with the presentation of Graduation Awards and the distribution of this year's Senior Yearbook, just in time for Senior Trip. The evening was indeed a very meaningful and emotional event for all of our seniors.


Senior Trip


Following a beautiful Senior Night, the SKA twelfth graders headed to Montréal for their senior trip! The events included hiking and white water rafting at Lake George
(everyone getting really soaked), horse and buggy rides, quadracycling and jet boating
 ( again everyone getting really soaked) in Old Montréal and a visit to the Montréal amusement park, La Ronde. Not to be missed was the night Ghost Tour   which depicts the history of the city in small vignettes, acted out in the courtyards and lawns of the old city. And of course, there were the usual stops at the border. The grand finale of the trip included a stop at Camp Magen Av with festive balloons, Carlos and Gabbys food, a bonfire and a kumsitz and surprise guests: Mrs. Kaminetsky, Mrs. Yudin and Dr. Meier. But what was really unique about this trip was that the seniors decided on random rooming, putting into action the SKA theme of the year - y'hei k'vod chavercha chaviv alecha k'shelach- and highlighting the achdut of the grade!
Many thanks  to Rabbi Zak and Mrs Storch for planning this blast of fun. Thanks to Rabbi Zak, Mrs. Antmann,  Mrs. Budne, Mrs. Pomerantz  and the madrichot Elisheva Davis, Shira Pasternak and Gabby Soep for accompanying the seniors ! As one senior said as she boarded the bus to return to New York," it was the best trip of my high school years!" We will miss you, seniors!!

Year End Awards

Mazal Tov to all of this year's Middot, Tanach, Amalei Torah, and Chesed awardees!

 Year-End Grade Luncheons


During the last week of classes, SKA students in each grade took the opportunity to reflect on their year with an End of Year Luncheon. The 9th grade were hosted by Mrs. Spirn at her home. The students ate together while reminiscing on the past school year with skits and songs presented by students and teachers.  Dessert was, of course, a delicious cake with good wishes written on it.   See you next year: 2008-2009!!

Solar Cooker!!!

May 29th was a beautiful day and  Mrs. Alter's AP Environmental class  took advantage of the weather to build a solar cooker and make smores. A solar cooker runs by the heat of the sun.  The students built  their cooker with a pizza box, aluminum foil, saran wrap, and black construction paper and placed it in the perfect spot in the sun. They then placed  graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate chips  in the cooker, and watched as the solar cooker began to heat up the ingredients . Soon enough the smores were ready to eat! Thank you Mrs. Alter for a fun learning experience and an amazing year!! 

Sports Dinner

It was an exciting and fun filled celebration as the SKA Sports Teams    concluded yet another successful year and joined together at the annual Sports Dinner.  The evening commenced with an inspiring d'var Torah and speech from SKA parent Rabbi Avi Haar as he reminisced on his own past athletic endeavors. The Basketball Team was awarded trophies for their win over Magen David in the Championship Game and pictures of the team with the hampionship banner were taken before the banner was hung up with the many  banners decorating SKA's auditorium wall. Many other  SKA sports awards were distributed to the students   and there was a warm sense of camaraderie   as each team reflected on the season filled with highs and lows.  And of course, there was delicious Dougie's food to round out the evening. Thank you to Rabbi Zak and Sports Director Mrs. Helene Myers for a truly great night enjoyed by all who participated!

Art Academy Produces Masterpieces


Under the guidance of Mrs. Suzie Libin, our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade  Art Academy students have once again produced amazing works of art. The pictures above represent the selection from this year's 9th grade Art Academy class that will be displayed in the SKA halls next fall.


JUMP Club Receives NCSY Leadership Award

Mazal tov to the SKA JUMP Club for receiving the JUMP Club of the Year Award, presented at NCSY Spring Regional 2008.

SKA Seniors Visit Berlin
Instead of the typical Senior Work Study experience, a group of SKA Seniors opted for a NCSY kiruv mission to Berlin, Germany after participating in the SKA-NCSY Jump Club. The girls had an opportunity to both do kiruv at the Midrasha for women and visit some of the historic sites of the WWII era. CLICK HERE to read the article published in the 5TJT, written by SKA Senior, Rachel Rosen. We are so proud of our students' accomplishments!

Mazal Tov to Shaindy Schiffmiller  on winning  the John and Agnes Funk Junior Achievement Scholarship Award for Community Service.

AP Biology Trip

The AP Biology class visited a nature reserve in Hempstead on May 23rd to see the flora and fauna of the reserve. The students  collected water samples to bring back to the SKA lab and did a chromatography experiment at the reserve. The girls greatly enjoyed experiencing AP Bio in real time ! Thank you to Mrs. Gross for arranging such a fun trip!

Yearbook Elections

The Junior class performed its first act as the "Senior" Class of 2009 when they elected the Yearbook staff for next year. Mazal Tov to Editors-in-Chief,   Jenny Moskowitz and Ariella  Simpson and to Associate Editors in Chief, Seffi Milstein and Shaindy Shiffmiller . 
CLICK HERE to see a full listing of the Yearbook Staff

Salute to Israel Parade

SKA joined countless of other organizations and schools and thousands of people on June 1, 2008 to celebrate Israel's 60th birthday at the Salute to Israel Parade.  The theme, appropriately, was Israel at 60. SKA students wore pink and brown shirts that were beautifully designed by Chana Rosa Petrikovsky of the 11th grade and danced through the parade with streamers in hand and Eretz Yisroel in their hearts. Thank you to Mrs. Libin and her art staff for the beautiful banner.   It was truly inspirational to see so many people from all over, join together in support of Israel. L'Shana Ha'Ba'ah B'Yerushalayim!!

Nurse Joan Sherman on her daughter Debra's wedding to Shimmy Orner

Rachel Diamond '05 on her engagement to David Snyder
Ariella Drang '04 on her engagement to Avi Honigsfeld
Elisheva Nelson '06 on her engagement to Avi Taitz
Rochelle Sonenberg '05 on her engagement to Shlomo Yaros
Sharon Tzadik '06 on her engagement to Yaakov Freud

Naomi Boyarsky '02 on her marriage to Yoni Noble
Elana Eskowitz '03 on her marriage to Duvie Levine
Lauren Genachowski '05 on her marriage to Adam Sider
Esther Genuth '03 on her marriage to Zevy Hamburger
Kayli Gerson '06 on her marriage to Aryeh Young
Rachel Ginsburg '06 on her marriage to David Haridim
Sara Kornbluth '04 on her marriage to Neal Bauer
Daniella Lehmann '04 on her marriage to Adam Cohen
Ayelet Lipstein '03 on her marriage to Ari Yablok
Naomi Perry '06 on her marriage to Yossi Wargon
Michal Shenker '03 on her marriage to Reuven Garrett
Debra Sherman '04 on her marriage to Shimmy Orner
Rebecca Simon '06 on her marriage to Sam Packer
Ayelet Spitzer '03 on her marriage to Daniel Gross
Yael Wienerkur '04 on her marriage to Daniel Schwechter



SKAppenings Staff



Ariella Simpson
Alex Spitz

Naomi Weiss

Jordana Wernick


Photography Editors:

Mrs. Estie Bryk

Rachel Herzberg

Contributing Writers:
Alex Spitz
Naomi Weiss
Jordana Wernick
Elana Wiesel

Jordana Wittman
Michal Zlotnick

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